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Teamo Productions HQ Ltd
We Inspire Storytellers

TPHQ is a tribe of free thinkers transcending the A for apple of film business and disrupting the vision of cinema to a diversified global language of entertainment. We aim to create a pool of fresh talent who have unique homegrown culturally rooted stories to share with the world with an international appeal.

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Meet the Team

As cheesy as it sounds we live and breathe films being bunch of passionate purists driven by process of creation, in a relentless pursuit to craft cinematic experiences that move, evoke and influence. Since 2015 we are strong believers that the inherent joy of creation lies in the collaborative nature of the medium and earnestly value the relationships we build. It takes just one germ of an idea to think of a film but it takes a village to execute it.

View our Work

In less than a decade we have produced over 50 films with edgy content. To achieve this vision, we formed our creative division and teamed up with some of the best minds in the business to make award winning and acclaimed blockbusters with timeless value.

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